Tuesday 15 July 2008

July Book Blowout Mini-Challenge #2

1. Title and author of the book
The Vampire Lestat- Anne Rice
2. What year is the book set in?
The last year mentioned was 1780.
3. What happened on this day in that year? Go to google and type in the date ie 13 July 1952 and see if you can find a news item for that day
The Batlle of Earle's Ford, North Carolina

4. Where is your book set?
Last location mentioned was Cairo.
5. Have you visited that place before? If yes tell us something about your trip. If no, look the location up on google and tell us an interesting fact about the city/country.
I haven't visited but I would love to! Apparently the population is 6.8 million.

1 comment:

Clare - The Super Mommy Club said...

Thanks for taking part - what would we do without google hey? Being able to look up on this day in history from the 1700s would once have required a lot of research... ;)